Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Carrot top

Saturday was the big pureed carrot adventure! I really thought Benjamin would like the carrots a little better. Its not that he disliked them, he never turned down the spoon or was actively displeased with them. He just looked a little concerned about the whole thing. He probably knew they weren't organic, and wanted to give me a lecture about pesticides. Regardless the whole thing was still really funny. I may be just a teensy bit biased, but I think he may have the most expressive little face ever. The pictures turned out really funny, I think. He likes to blow bubbles into his spoon. Its a messy process. We have to strip him all the way down first, and give him a bath afterwards. He ends up looking like he has the carrot pox. I'm wondering how long that stage lasts. I don't want to be a 2 bath per day household up through kindergarten. And I really don't want to get him dressed and undressed that often. Its a good thing the weather is getting nicer. I'm thinking of dispensing with clothes altogether. He can just wear a diaper and a bib. He's not afraid to take a few fashion risks.


Anonymous said...

Those are great faces Jammy! My mom used to strip me down for food too, but now I've gotten pretty good at it so all I need is the bib. I usually only get food on my face, and sometimes on the shoulder of the bib because I like to turn my head to watch Cowboy walk by while I have a mouthful of carrots.

When my mom first gave me carrots, she used one of those baby food grinders to make them. I didn't really like them b/c they were too chunky. Then she pureed them using a food processor and I LOVE them that way! I think she's going to save the food grinder for when I get a little bigger.

Hillary said...

He is so adorable! What a man of many faces. I'm impressed with his fashion-risk-taking. Congrats on the carrots!