Hi! Remember me? I used to write a blog here! If you are wondering why it has been so long since I have posted, it is because I am basically a lazy and idle person, who has much difficulty actually accomplishing anything. (See photo below, of me in my natural habitat.) But many posts will be forthcoming soon, I swear. Don't give up! Keep reading the blog! You never know, YOU may be featured in it next time! Wouldn't that be exciting?
Oh me too! I want to be a lazy bones too! In fact, I think I will try to recreate this picture...although I won't look quite as glamorous. I'll have my li'l Fido with me.
The trick is to lie on your stomach... Definitely not sitting or anything where you are on your side.
I am SO jealous of the sun, and the swim suit, and the pool, and the laying prone. Sigh...it's rained and snowed throughout the day today. ARGH!
If I have a baby do I get a flat tummy like you? Looks like Palm Springs was all that you were hoping for... lot's of nothing to do :)
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