Thursday, April 3, 2008

Cheers! and a great big yawn

Clearly, I have been too busy to post anything for almost this whole week. Very sad. And today, all I have is a stolen photo (see Aunt Cookie's blog for more funny pics). But this picture does crack me up. We are a pair of lushes, or so it seems.
In new news, Jammy is on the verge of having a mirror breakthrough. Loren was holding him in front of the mirror this morning, and they were chatting away, and Jammy had a total lightbulb moment, where this flash of "what the hell?!?" realization crossed his face. He then kept looking back and forth at Dad right next to him, Dad in the mirror. Dad right next to him, Dad in the mirror. And on and on. I don't think he has it totally figured out yet, but he knows something funny is going on with that other baby in the mirror. We also had another near roll over this morning, but no go. He also may have had his first contagious yawn. He yawns all the time, and it is totally contagious to me, but it doesn't work the other way. You can get 2 inches away from him, and give a great big sleepy yawn and stretch right in his face, and he is totally unphased. But this morning, Loren yawned, and then Benito yawned right afterwards. Coincidence? Could be. But I prefer to think that he is just getting smarter and smarter. All this yawn talk is making me yawn at my desk as I type. Without even seeing anyone else yawning. How about you all out there? Are you yawning yet?


Anonymous said...
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Jo said...

yay, you don't look a day over 25!

Loren said...


Anonymous said...
