Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sunny Sunday at the Park

Benjamin and I went to Meridian Park with Wenmei and Zachary, and Holly and Oliver on Sunday. I'm soooo glad we are getting some summer in September! It was pretty funny. The boys will all tolerate the swings, but they don't really know what to make of them yet. The swings really aren't fun for them yet. What is much more fun is a toy. Any toy, so long as your friend has it. There were a few very funny power struggles over a couple of toys.

1 comment:

wenmei said...

Why is it that most pictures show my son not being very good at sharing? He's either refusing to share a toy (which he stole) or he's trying to grab someone else's toy. Hmmm. I foresee many parent meetings in the principal's office...