Loren and I had a heckuva time with baby names. With girl names, we both liked them all, and could never narrow it down to anything. Kate? Yes. Alexandra? Yes. Sabrina, Tabitha, Veronica, Leila, Lucy, Rebecca, Leah, Loren, Ella, Emily, Irene, Grace, Clara, Elizabeth, Annika, Delilah, Jane, May, Emma, Bella, Bridget, Olivia, Heidi, Mia, Stella, Abigail? Yes please, we would like to have them all. Sooooo, that was one problem, and one of the main reasons we found out baby's gender, instead of waiting. Then there was the boy name problem. Loren liked all things wacky and off beat, with a special focus in the muppet and cartoon arena, and leanings toward all things Scottish. I am a little more traditional, leaning towards the Biblical, or otherwise old fashioned. So the conversations would go like this....
Deborah: How about Alexander?
Loren: Nah, but ooh, how about Magnus??
Deborah: Um, no. What about Joseph?
Loren: No, but you are going to love this... Kermit! Or Casper!
Deborah: Riiiiiiiight.
One of the names we always had an argument about was Linus. Loren loooooooves Linus. It was his name as a dj in college. Linus is the inventor of RHYTHM in Greek mythology, for goodness sakes. Humphrey Bogart, Matt Damon and Harrison Ford have all played characters named Linus. Linux was founded by a Linus. It is also the name of popes and a nobel prize winner. And as some of you might now, a Peanuts character. Who Loren also loves. Big Peanuts fan. It also falls into the quirky, offbeat category. Now, I think if your last name is, say, Jones, you might be able to get away with naming a child Linus. When your last name is Matlick, you have to be a little more careful. I have always been very vocally opposed to it as a first name. And when I say always, I don't think it actually came up on our first date, but definitely soon thereafter. So, we are at the beer monster campout last summer, and I had just started to get attached to the name Benjamin. We are laying our tent before bed, talking about names, which we did basically constantly, and the discussion went like this:
Deborah: "Benjamin?"
Loren: "No."
Deborah: "Benjamin Linus?"
Loren: "Done!"
We kept throwing around other possibilities, but this was the front runner, even though I had said it a little jokingly. Part of the name compromise was that if I got to have a more traditional first name, Loren would get to pick the midddle name, although we both still had veto power. Anyway, one of the other names that was very much in contention for the middle position was Adams. It has a few things going for it. First off, who doesn't want to be named after a mountain? Especially if you turn out to be a mountain climber? (No pressure though, Buster) And, this was a mountain that Loren and I had climbed together, and it was kind of a big deal for us. And (here is the kicker) it creates the initials BAM! BAM BAM BAM! Which is so much fun. So fast forward to about 3 weeks before due date. Loren reads an article on MSN or something in which he learns that the bad guy on "Lost" is named Ben Linus. Hmm. Now, are not Lost watchers. Have never seen it. Could not tell you if this is the one about crashing a plane on an island (seems logical), fighting crime, or escaping from prison. But it was still bothersome. Bothersome enough too tip the scale in favor of Adams. Meaningful to us, geographical, great initials, and very presidential, just in case.
But I know we have always second guessed it a little. I think if we were to do it over again, we probably would go the other way. Then, the other day Auntie Cookie had Jammy at the kids school, and one of the other moms says to her "Well isn't he just the cutest little Linus ever!" And its true. He is kind of a little Linus. And the older he gets, the more Linusy he becomes. And it really got both of us thinking about this again. So here is the question. This kid already has a bjillion names. He is known as (in descending order of popularity of use) Benjamin, Jammy, Jam, Jameroo, Buster, Mr. Buster, Mr. Buster Pants, Buddy, Benito, Benbino, Jamster, Jam Master J, and finally Bam. (Really the only ones we are against are Ben, Benny, and Benji. Otherwise feel free to come up with your own.) Should we just add Linus to the nick name list? As in, come here you cute little Linus you? Should we add it to his name unoffiically? As in Benjamin Linus Adams Matlick (BLAM! is still pretty cool)? Should we add it officially? Should we change it officially? As in Benjamin Linus Matlick? Should we leave it alone, because he already has a perfectly good name?
So that is the question of the day. Poll results have no bearing on any decisions at all, so don't get carried away. But I am curious to hear opinions on this.
Now that you mention it, he is a cute little Linus! But I still see him primarily as Benjamin or Jammy or Jammin (in which case I picture him with dreadlocks). I think adding Linus as an additional name (nickname or official second middle name) is cool as long as you don't think you're going to want to use Linus again with a potential little brother. Of course, there's always the risk that Jammy will be the only boy in a slew of sisters.
Being of Asian descent, I see no issue with having a large number of names for the same little boy. Growing up, I was Patricia, Patty and Mei-mei (little sister). Then I was Patricia, Patti (much more mature with the "i") and Wenmei (although my middle name was Lynn, my family-given Taiwanese name was Wenmei). Through no decision of my own, people started calling me Wenmei about 10 years ago "because it's fits you better", and I had my middle name officially changed to Wenmei when I got married (since I was doing the whole name change thing anyway). So now I still answer to Patricia, Patti and Wenmei and it's only a little confusing (to other people, not to me).
The point of that long-winded story is that having multiple names shouldn't be a problem and you should call him what you like and what you think fits. If Linus fits so well (and it is awfully cute), then go for it!
And I'll promise never to call him Benji if you promise not to call mine Zac. You can call him Zach or maybe even Zack, but not Zac. :)
Holy cow that was a long comment. It was more of a monologue than a comment. Sorry!
Time to get you all back out in the mountains before you all have new names...
First, I think you should do whatever makes you the most happy...people will go along with it! But I also think you should talk to his Uncle before calling him anything but his first name...he(said Uncle)would be highly opposed to everyone getting in the habit of calling him Adams, or Linus, or any other possible middle-ish name! On the other hand, with another Benjamin in our family, Jammy is working wonders at our house so we all know who we are talking about! So the more name options, the better! I am no help what so ever...sigh...
Said Uncle here. I'm all for making the addition (though Benjamin Adams Linus Matlick - BALM is my favorite order ;-)) but, I wouldn't suggest using Linus to refer to him. Take it from me, having different groups of people referring to you with different names (other than nick-names of course)is a total PITA. If my brother or dad called me Morrie, I wouldn't know they were talking to me. If you said Geoff around me, I wouldn't know who you were talking to or about, etc. And then there are those who call me Morrie Geoff. Not so much the good times. I've gotten used to it but wouldn't wish it on anyone else...
Just to clarify.... Not suggesting that we actually call him Linus... He is very definitely a Benjamin, and will remain a Benjamin. This is just a middle name debate.
Also, Wenmei, love the long monologue... No need to apologize, live for blog comments. I am now picturing him with tiny blond dread locks as well, and it is very very entertaining.
Josie, sorry mountains are out for the winter, its all about running, yoga and knitting right now. Maybe a little snow shoeing when we get to snow weather though. You could try again then...
I think you should keep his name as is and use Linus as a nick name something that is important to him being a kid not soo much him being 17 and being a "Linus". Adams is a name he can pass on to his children (boy or girl) and it won't sound off the wall. Heck I had a great grandfather named Hillary and now I have a best friend with that name. So times can change. But I think you are best to let sleeping dogs lie. Its only a middle name and sometimes the middle names that have a story are the most important.
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