Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Rubber Ducky, you're the one

Benjamin has never been real big on the whole bath thing. He isn't actively against it, he just doesn't quite enjoy it yet. It is a phenomena, like so many things, that concerns him. He does like his duck loofah though. (*note: I do not actually use it to exfoliate him. He still does have the world's softest baby skin. It is purely an entertainment loofah.) There aren't enough scratchy baby toys, as far as I am concerned. He has tons of soft squishy things, and lots of hard plastic things, but continues to be fascinated by all things scratchy. He loves to touch baskets, the woven foot stool, anything with that kind of texture. And look at how giant he is in his little baby tub! He practically fills the whole thing up. I'm not ready for him to graduate out of it yet. He'll be 12, and I'll still be trying to shoehorn him into the baby bath. Not really. Most likely. Anyay, he likes the post bath toweling process much better. We did use this opportunity to get a picture that demonstrates his super human gripping strength. When he grabs hold of something (necklace, hair), it just about takes the fire department to separate him from it. Its enough to make me consider an Annie Lennox haircut. Well. Not really. But its fun to think about.

1 comment:

Loren said...

I love the last picture... YOu both look soo happy!