Monday, June 30, 2008

Basket o' Baby

I have been terribly dreadfully miserably sick since Wednesday. And today is Monday. Night. Count them, that is six days. Two of which I had to take off work. And do you think Benjamin cares? Is he a considerate little fellow who took right too his bed because mama needed a rest? Nooooo. He most certainly did not. Being sick while having to take care of someone else was a new one for me, and really not that much fun, in case you are wondering. And he was a tiny bit sick too, but either a) not nearly as sick as me or b) he is such a good natured uncomplaining little trooper that I should be ashamed of myself. But really, he does seem to be pretty happy and normal, just a little nose drippy and cough-y. Not like me, where the only plausible solution seems to be to cut off my head, which is where all the problems are. But I kept trying to find ways to entertain him that did not involve me getting off the couch, and came up with this brilliant strategy:
Pretty clever, eh?


Jo said...

crate training! Yay!

Anonymous said...

Might need to borrow awesome basket to shoot twin all the posts...too lazy to comment on all though!

wenmei said...

This is the best idea ever. I need to go get a nice big basket. Perhaps with a cover. :)