Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mama's boy

Even though I am clearly not going to be the fun parent, I'm starting to feel like maybe this kid likes me. For the first 3 months or so, it was very much like a junior high crush relationship. I was clearly head over heels for him, and he had a vague idea that I existed, some of the time. Now, his face lights up when I come home, and sometimes he even hugs me without being forced into it. Its very gratifying.


Hillary said...

So freakin' glad it's not just me that feels like this...I can't wait for some recognition from the boy that I'm not just a food source!!! See you SOON!

wenmei said...

Such a mama's boy. :) I feel the same way, especially b/c Z gets excited and jumps up and down when Chris comes home from work...but since I'm around him all day, I don't get the same reaction. But the cuddles and hugs and "mum-mum-mum-mum" and clutching my neck while trying to eat my face make up for it.

Chris Lodwig said...

Well, you know. Daddies are just cooler. Sorry. That's just the way the world works.