Monday, October 6, 2008

BAM and the washer

One of Benjamin's new interests is the washer. I'm sure he would be interested in the dryer too, if he were only taller. He likes to stand there and peer into it, even if there is no laundry going. And he also enjoys slapping the little glass window with his hand. Funny kid. There is no guessing what will entertain him.


Anonymous said...

Train him young...start is never too early....I don't think my children even know what goes in that fancy machine that spins around so amusingly...dirty beasts that they are!

J. Henry Fernstrom said...

-just picture it; you pull up a chair and make him your laundrey slave, you should get a whip too.-

Jo said...

the entertainment level may be higher than Little Einstein! you should hype it, "Jammy if you get your pjs on you can have 10min of laundry time before bed"