Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Loren and Benjamin had a great time this weekend playing with the lincoln logs and Thomas the train set. Well, Benjamin had a great time. Loren was a wee bit frustrated I think. His efforts to complete a log house or train track set up were repeatedly thwarted, by Bamzilla the destroyer. He is more in demo mode than construction mode these days. Also, his pictures are getting increasingly blurry as he moves faster and faster all the time. And as his motion becomes perpetual as well. Soon the only time I will be able to take an in focus photo of him is while he sleeps.


Jo said...

at least he didn't knock down Loren's shed :) though it looks like he made an effort to go at it with a hammer...

J. Henry Fernstrom said...

Hmm... "Bamzilla" I like how it sounds. All he needs now is a dinosaur costume and he can terrorize the household.